ciudad real造句
- It is 80 km from Ciudad Real and 60 km from Toledo.
- Veszpr閙 would eventually lose to Ciudad Real in the Champions League quarter-finals.
- Romero married his cousin, Carmen Sanchez Sar醕haga ( born in Ciudad Real ).
- In 1829, the name Ciudad Real was changed to San Crist骲al.
- The Iglesia de Santiago is the oldest church in Ciudad Real.
- Ciudad Real was renamed San Crist骲al de las Casas in 1828.
- Montejo the Younger eventually arrived at Chichen Itza, which he renamed Ciudad Real.
- The Duke of Ciudad Real immediately ordered to attack the major Dutch vessels.
- The next action was the Battle of Ciudad Real on 27 March 1809.
- He also designed the Museo de Antonio L髉ez Torres, in Tomelloso, Ciudad Real.
- It's difficult to see ciudad real in a sentence. 用ciudad real造句挺难的
- The next action in the area was the Battle of Ciudad Real in March.
- It is the capital of the province of Ciudad Real.
- The Tablas de Daimiel National Park is located in the province of Ciudad Real.
- The AVE Sevilla-Madrid runs parallel to the road on its way to Ciudad Real.
- Nine others were placed on a train to Ciudad Real.
- In 1396, Enrique III exchanged B閖ar for Ciudad Real and the merindad of Valladolid.
- After qualifying to the European top 16, they were defeated by Spanish Ciudad Real.
- He won EHF Champions League with Ciudad Real in 2006.
- On 17 November 2009, Van Nistelrooy and his wife hosted SOS at Ciudad Real Madrid.
- Before joining BM Ciudad Real, he played for the current best French club Montpellier HB.
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